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Norethindrone (Code C62059)

Terms & Properties

Preferred Name:  Norethindrone

Definition:  A synthetic progestational substance with some anabolic, estrogenic, and androgenic properties. Norethindrone binds to the progesterone intracellular receptors in the reproductive system and the resultant activated complex interacts with specific DNA sites. This leads to an alteration in protein synthesis and results in an inhibition of LH release. Consequently, it inhibits ovulation and changes the normal cycle of cervical mucus and endometrium.

Label:  Norethindrone

NCI Thesaurus Code:  C62059 (Search for linked caDSR metadata)   (search value sets)

NCI Metathesaurus Link:  C0028356  (see NCI Metathesaurus info)

Synonyms & Abbreviations: (see Synonym Details)

External Source Codes: 
CAS Registry Number 68-22-4 (see NLM ChemIDplus info)
FDA UNII Code T18F433X4S
ChEBI ID CHEBI:7627 (see ChEBI info)
UMLS CUI C0028356

Other Properties:
     Name Value (qualifiers indented underneath)
Chemical_Formula C20H26O2
code C62059
Contributing_Source FDA
Legacy Concept Name Norethindrone_Base
Semantic_Type Organic Chemical
Semantic_Type Pharmacologic Substance

Additional Concept Data: 
Defined Fully by Roles: No  


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