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Dexbrompheniramine Maleate (Code C61706)

Terms & Properties

Preferred Name:  Dexbrompheniramine Maleate

Definition:  The maleate salt form of dexbrompheniramine, an alkylamine derivative with anticholinergic and sedative properties. Dexbrompheniramine is a histamine H1-receptor antagonist that competes with histamine for the H1-receptor sites on effector cells in the gastrointestinal tract, blood vessels and respiratory tract. The antagonistic action of this agent blocks the activities of endogenous histamine, which subsequently leads to temporary relief from the negative histamine-mediated symptoms of allergic reaction such as bronchoconstriction, vasodilation, increased capillary permeability and spasmodic contractions of gastrointestinal smooth muscle.

Label:  Dexbrompheniramine Maleate

NCI Thesaurus Code:  C61706 (Search for linked caDSR metadata)   (search value sets)

NCI Metathesaurus Link:  C0113291  (see NCI Metathesaurus info)

Synonyms & Abbreviations: (see Synonym Details)
(+)-2-(p-Bromo-alpha-(2-(dimethylamino)ethyl)benzyl)pyridine maleate (1:1)
Alahist IR
Alahist PE
d-Brompheniramine Maleate
Dexbrompheniramine Maleate
Disomer Maleate

External Source Codes: 
CAS Registry Number 2391-03-9 (see NLM ChemIDplus info)
ChEBI ID CHEBI:59273 (see ChEBI info)
UMLS CUI C0113291

Other Properties:
     Name Value (qualifiers indented underneath)
Chemical_Formula C16H19BrN2.C4H4O4
code C61706
Contributing_Source FDA
Legacy Concept Name Dexbrompheniramine_Maleate
Semantic_Type Pharmacologic Substance

Additional Concept Data: 
Defined Fully by Roles: No  


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